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The Benefits of Career Coaching: Why It's Worth Considering for Your Career Growth

blog career coaching Mar 21, 2024


No matter where you are on your career path, industry, or level of seniority, it's common for many of us to feel uncertain and begin questioning our next steps.

You may feel stuck or unsure about where your career is headed. Perhaps your current career no longer feels like the right fit, and you have no idea what to do - or what you can do – next. You may also have career goals that, despite repeated attempts, seem to remain as mere thoughts without any real progress. In these very moments, among others, many professionals discover the value of having a career coach by their side to practice and build the skills, mindset, and behaviors required to make progress toward their goals and career growth.


What is Career Coaching?

Career coaching involves a one-on-one relationship between you and a certified professional. Together, you work closely to achieve your career goals and realize your full potential.


The Benefits of Career Coaching

79% of people want to make changes in their careers, whether it's finding a new job, negotiating a well-deserved raise, or improving their work environment for more flexibility, less stress, and greater fulfillment. Yet, knowing you want a change is often simpler than implementing it.

Let's explore how receiving guidance and support from a career coach might be just what you need to make those changes and grow in your career.



You can be early in your career and uncertain about whether you like where your career is heading. You can be mid-career and realize you do not want to continue doing what you do. You can be well-established in your career and uncertain about the next steps. All are good times to work with a coach to gain clarity about your career aspirations, interests, values, strengths, or limitations.

Career coaches assist you in exploring your professional value, identifying your transferable skills, and understanding what you seek in your career. Through various assessments, exercises, and conversations, they guide you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you understand yourself better and make well-informed choices about your career.


Clarity on Career Goals & Next Steps

You might be familiar with the goal-setting theory and the significance of clarity behind it. When you know what you want, why it's important, and the steps to achieve it, you're more likely to succeed in reaching your goals.

Our work lives are busy. Sometimes, it requires taking a closer look at our priorities to understand how to get from where we are today to where we want to be. Whether it's landing a specific job or role, acquiring new skills, or finding the perfect work-life balance, career coaching helps you identify what is important to you, set clear goals, and create a tailored career plan on how to progress toward your aspirations.

Working closely with a coach to clarify your career goals makes you more optimistic about reaching them and what lies ahead in your professional journey.


Confidence & Trust in Yourself

The Harvard Business Review surveyed more than 950 business school alumni to explore why making career changes is so challenging. It found that lack of clarity and confidence were identified as the primary barriers people face when considering a career change.

As you gain insights and clarity while working with a career coach, you begin to feel more confident in yourself and your decisions. This newfound confidence empowers you to make changes in your career and take bold steps, such as seizing opportunities, seeking promotions, leading projects, or transitioning to new roles or industries. Career coaches provide the guidance and support you need to overcome setbacks and believe in your ability to succeed.


Professional Development

It's common to feel overwhelmed when making career changes, as it requires effort and shifts in your professional life. Completing skills assessments, updating your resume, scouring job listings, scheduling interviews, and then waiting patiently for updates – many people find this prospect of a career change so daunting that they become paralyzed and end up doing nothing at all.

By breaking down the process into smaller, manageable steps, focusing on the most impactful actions first, and working with a coach, you can mitigate these feelings and be motivated to move forward.

There is always a step small enough from where we are to get us to where we want to be. If we take that small step, there's always another we can take, and eventually a goal thought to be too far to reach becomes achievable."

- Dr. Ellen Langer, social psychologist and “mother of mindfulness”, Counterclockwise: Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility.

Career coaching provides personalized guidance, strategies, and resources needed to take meaningful steps toward your career goals. Here are some areas where a career coach can assist:


Resume Building & LinkedIn Optimization 

Career coaches work closely with you to create a resume that effectively showcases your skills, experiences, and the value you bring. They offer guidance on formatting, content, and design, ensuring your resume tells your story in a compelling way and leaves a lasting impression. Additionally, they help you optimize your LinkedIn profile to accurately reflect your professional brand.


Skill Development

Whether it's honing your communication skills, mastering new technologies, or refining your leadership abilities, career coaches help you identify areas for improvement and provide strategies to enhance your professional capabilities.


Job Search Efficiency

The job market may seem flooded with opportunities, yet finding the right fit can be challenging. From identifying target industries and companies to optimizing your job search tools and techniques, a career coach equips you with the strategies and support needed for an efficient job search.


Networking Strategies 

Career coaches equip you with effective networking strategies to expand your professional connections and uncover new opportunities. They guide you in building and nurturing relationships, crafting a compelling elevator pitch, and initiating meaningful conversations.


Finding the Right Coach

Before embarking on the journey of finding the right coach, it's crucial to begin with self-reflection and ask yourself, “Am I ready to be coached?” Career coaching is a transformative journey that requires dedication, self-awareness, and a drive to grow.

Are you willing to hold yourself accountable and committed to making progress? Are you open to new behaviors and ways of thinking? It's normal to feel a mix of excitement and a little bit of worry about this process. Be prepared for these feelings, and have an honest conversation with your coach.

A highly effective way to find the right coach is to arrange an initial meeting or consultation. This provides you with the opportunity to see if you feel comfortable communicating with a coach and evaluate whether the coach's style, expertise, and approach align with your needs and objectives.


Take the Next Step

If you're ready to advance in your career, schedule an initial meeting with our certified career coach today.

At Elevated Resumes, our personalized one-on-one coaching sessions offer the guidance, insight, and accountability you need to elevate your career performance and achieve your goals. You can count on our full support as you undergo this transformative journey toward growth and joy in your career.


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